

Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-2550

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

5月15日- 6月30日:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.
7月1日- 7月14日:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
7月15日- 8月18日:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.


学生就业365英国上市官网: (电子邮件保护)

我们致力于确保您能够 access our website. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU 学生技术中心.


Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-2550

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

5月15日- 6月30日:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.
7月1日- 7月14日:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
7月15日- 8月18日:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.


学生就业365英国上市官网: (电子邮件保护)

我们致力于确保您能够 access our website. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU 学生技术中心.

珀金斯贷款账单 & Collections


重要提示:根据联邦法律, 学校向学生发放额外珀金斯贷款的授权已于9月30日到期, 2017.

珀金斯贷款由联邦政府和365英国上市官网资助. 珀金斯贷款的利率是5%. 365英国上市官网是珀金斯贷款的出借人, but 大学会计服务 (UAS) is the billing service that 365英国上市官网 uses to handle billing and collections on all Perkins Loans. uasconnect.com 允许您获取和更新帐户信息, 网上付款, 申请延期, 容忍或取消, 并获取其他利益信息.

Borrowers may contact 大学会计服务 or 365英国上市官网’s Perkins Loan Administrator to submit benefit forms or for questions regarding their Perkins Loan. 记得在所有信件上写上你的帐号.

(844) 870-8701
Borrower Portal: www.uasconnect.com

Student Business Services
北基堂室 114
(248) 370-2298

365英国上市官网还使用两家外部催收机构来催收珀金斯贷款: 一般税务公司 and Williams & Fudge, Inc. The total amount of your loan plus collection costs and late penalties will become due immediately, 以及获得任何福利(延期)的资格, forbearance, cancellation, etc.)将会遗失,一旦你的帐户被交由催收公司处理. 因此,向我们(或无人机)求助总是一个好主意. 一旦借款人的账户被送到托收处, the borrower needs to contact the collection agency from whom they received their collections notice.

(800) 234-1472

Williams & Fudge, Inc.
(800) 849-9791

你的珀金斯贷款账户在账单到期后的第一天被视为过期, 逾期180天后会被送去收款吗, 一旦你逾期240天,你就违约了. 一旦你的帐户过期,滞纳金将被评估.

*Federal Perkins Loan payments and/or benefits do not apply to a borrower’s Federal Direct Loans 反之亦然.


作为联邦贷款的接受者, borrowers are required to maintain at least half-time enrollment during the fall and winter semesters. Perkins Loan borrowers have a nine-month grace period after they stop attending school at least half-time to either begin repayment or obtain a deferment or forbearance on the loan. 借款人的宽限期将在他们停止注册至少一半时间后的第二天开始. 还款将在宽限期结束后的第二天开始.

It is very important for borrowers to understand that the start date of their nine-month grace period will be back-dated to the last day that they were enrolled at least half-time. Therefore, if they do not meet the enrollment requirements for Fall and they did not attend at least half-time in the previous Summer, then the start date for their grace period will be back-dated to the last day of the winter semester. This will result in the borrower losing several months of their grace period and they will begin repayment sooner than expected.

Inform us as soon as possible when not attending at least half-time during the fall and winter semesters because you could lose some of your grace period. 提前报告你最后一天的出勤情况可以让你有更多的时间为还款做准备.

有关珀金斯贷款的更多详细信息,请访问 联邦学生援助(FSA).

当你进入你的宽限期, 根据联邦法规,你必须完成一次离职咨询. 这个课程将告诉你如何在大学毕业后管理你的学生贷款. 您的OU帐户将被暂停,直到退出咨询完成. 你可以完成 珀金斯贷款退出咨询 通过大学会计服务网上申请.

*满足Perkins Loans的退出咨询并不满足Direct Loans的退出咨询, 反之亦然.


One of the reasons why borrowers default on their loans is because they fail to update their contact information and they never receive billing notifications. 借款人必须更新与UAS和365英国上市官网的联系信息.

365英国上市官网 students may submit their address and phone number changes by logging into a secure area online through 365英国上市官网’s secure MySAIL 系统及使用个人资料连结. You can also give us your email address and cell phone number so that we may provide you with updates and changes on your account. 如果您无法通过email在线更新您的联系信息, 请致电(248)370-2298与珀金斯贷款管理员联系.

这是非常重要的,你也改变你的联系信息与UAS通过他们的安全 在线系统.

*Updating personal information at UAS for a Federal Perkins Loan does not update personal information for a borrower’s Federal Direct Loans 反之亦然. 对于直接贷款,借款人必须与直接贷款服务机构联系.



您可以查看您的结算单并在网上付款 uasconnect.com. 您需要密码才能在线访问您的UAS帐户. 如果您还没有密码,则需要注册此程序. 您也可以拨打UAS交互式语音应答系统(844)870-8701. 该系统每周7天,每天24小时运行.

如果不使用UAS的电子支付门户进行支付, checks or money orders must be made payable to 365英国上市官网 and mailed directly to 大学会计服务, 邮政信箱5879, Carol Stream, IL 60197-5879. 记得在所有的付款和信件上写上你的账号.

Most Federal Perkins Loan borrowers also have Federal Direct Loans and do not realize that all of the federal loans can be consolidated. 通过整合, all of your student loans are combined into one loan meaning that you will have only one combined loan payment for all of your student loans. Your combined loan payment is usually less than payments made to each loan individually and the repayment period may be extended up to 30 years. 请注意,你将不再有资格获得恩典, deferment, 或者一旦你合并了你的贷款就可以取消贷款. 但是,将提供基于收入和收入驱动的还款计划. 此外,更长的还款期限意味着支付更多的利息. 欲了解更多信息或申请贷款合并,请访问 studentaid.gov.


If you need to postpone your loan payments, there are forbearance and deferment options available.

请注意,我们不能同意任何宽容, cancellation, 或延迟福利一旦你的帐户已放置在催收机构. 一旦收藏,唯一的好处就是修复.

Rehabilitation is a mutually agreed upon repayment agreement between a defaulted borrower and 365英国上市官网. 恢复贷款需要借款人连续九个月还款, 由协议决定, to be removed from default status and to clear the negative credit previously reported to the national credit bureaus.

You can obtain eligibility information on the various types of deferments and forbearances and the forms to apply for these benefits online at UAS. 如果有资格延期, borrowers are granted an additional 6 months grace period after the deferment ends and accrual of interest is suspended during the entire deferment and grace period. These additional benefits are not allowed during a forbearance and the interest that accrues will be due at the end of the forbearance period and added to your first billing statement.

If you are enrolled at least half time at another institution and would like to defer your payments, you will need to submit an In-School Deferment Form to the Registrar's office at the school you are currently attending. 你需要每年提交延期申请. Please be aware that a borrower who re-enrolls before the 9-month grace period expires can be placed back into an enrolled status and no deferment form is needed. 如果借款人在宽限期届满后开始注册, 他们需要填写一张延期表格.

延期,延期申请延期或延期, 请填妥并交回适当的延期或延期表格. 此表格可于以下网址下载 uasconnect.com. Please return the form and the necessary documentation to 365英国上市官网’s Student Business Services, 收信人:帕金斯贷款管理员, 北基金会大厅114室, 草地溪路318号, 罗切斯特,密歇根州48309-4454. 如果您的请求获得批准,您将收到邮件通知. Please note that a deferment of another federal student loan automatically makes you eligible for a Perkins Loan deferment. 你只需要提交一份延期批准的复印件给UAS.

If you do not qualify for a deferment or forbearance and you are unable to bring/keep your account current, 请致电(248)370-2298与我们联系,讨论其他付款安排.

您也可以在网上获得取消资格的信息. 申请取消, 请填妥表格并连同所需文件一并交回. 此表格可于以下网址下载 uasconnect.com. 请将表格及所需文件交回大学会计处, 麦克尤恩路4099号, Suite 700B, 农民分支, TX 75244. 如果您的请求获得批准,您将收到邮件通知.


联邦珀金斯贷款报告给信用局. 如果你按时付款或申请延期或宽免, 你的信用报告将反映一个积极的历史. 同样,延迟付款将导致负面信用报告. 如果你的珀金斯贷款已经超过30天了, 你可以通过康复来扭转你的负面信用报告.


  • 收集成本
  • 信用报告损坏(至少7年)
  • 扣发工资
  • 没收联邦和州的退税
  • 联邦地区法院的法律诉讼
  • 没有资格获得联邦财政援助
  • 增加车险保费(以信用评分为准)
  • 拒绝按揭贷款
  • 可能会失去国家职业执照
  • 可能难以获得汽车贷款
  • 可能租不到公寓
  • 可能会被工作拒之门外

*Source: select excerpts from notes from the 教育部’s conference on federal student aid November 2010.

BUYER BEWARE! 无良公司提供违约援助
NBC新闻撰稿人Herb Weisbaum