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Experience academic excellence in your post-baccalaureate education at 365英国上市官网. 作为一名研究生, you'll be immersed in your area of study and conduct research tied to the solution of technological, 社会, economic and political issues. This is your opportunity at a world-class degree.


To best serve you, we offer virtual personal appointments and drop-in virtual office hours. 如果你有问题, 需要建议, or require help with the application process, connect with our advisers to assist you:

  • 虚拟办公时间 (无须预约)
    • Wednesdays | 9 am - 1 pm ET
  • 虚拟约会 (30 minute appointments available)
    • Tuesdays | 7:30 am - 12 pm ET
    • Thursdays | 10:30 am - 2:30 pm ET

If you prefer communicating via email or cannot find an appointment time that meets your needs, 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) for our advisers to assist you.

如何申请 事件 新闻 & 识别 认识我们的学生

Benefits of a graduate degree


  • Ph.D. Degree - $100,000 or more - approximately $3.7 million over their lifetime
  • Master's Degree - $63,000 - approximately $3.2 million over their lifetime
  • Bachelor's Degree - $55,700 - approximately $2.7 million over their lifetime


Qualities attractive to employers:
  • A greater ability to think analytically
  • Discipline to complete task from beginning to end
  • Equipped with professional career networks

Job satisfaction and job stability

Studies show those with advanced degrees are more satisfied with their career choice by:
  • Working in fields of interest
  • Increased ability for job advancement
  • Job satisfaction that has led to overall satisfaction with life

Ability to communicate more effectively

  • Positive impact on written and verbal communication skills
  • 沟通清楚, concisely and persuasively will help with landing the perfect job as well as improve career advancement and influence interpersonal relationships

Greater benefit to your family

  • Major impact on well-being of families, especially children
  • Families are better off 社会ly and economically
  • Children are more likely to earn college degrees
  • College degrees have a ripple effect to influence future well-being  

Revisit your career path and review our 研究生课程 that will help guide your goals and objectives. 寻找学术顾问, 教师, researchers or industry leaders to discuss career goals and options to help formulate an academic career plan including your marketability for employment upon graduation. 

Look for 研究生课程 that provide:

  • 研究生 degree closely linked with a chosen work-related field 
  • An academic curriculum that offers the best possible opportunities that enable networking opportunities 
  • Interaction with academic/industry leadership to acquire skills to enter a workplace as a professional 
Applying to a graduate degree program
  1. Review application deadlines and requirements by visiting 奥克兰.edu/grad/programs 
  2. Contact academic department or 教师 advisor to explore program specifics and requirements 
  3. 参加一个 事件 where you will have the opportunity to visit campus, meet with program representatives and discover all that OU has to offer 
  4. 提交的应用程序 and required materials by deadline dates
Successful transition to graduate school


  • 找到平衡 
  • 保持自信 
  • 完美主义 


  • Prepare for graduate student roles 
  • 促进学术诚信 & respect intellectual process 
  • Keep academic communication channels open 
  • 维护责任 

研究生 student time management

  • 目标设定-明确 & 可以实现的 
  • 设置优先级 & 建立边界 
  • Establish project plan allowing for flexibility 
  • 对大学保持警惕 & 行政的最后期限 


  • Read critically considering context & 的角度来看 
  • Use academic writing conventions for self-improvement 
  • 研究生水平的作业 
  • 创建 & utilize student work/support networks 

365英国上市官网 encourages transparency with campus safety. 的 OU警务处 努力工作提供及时, courteous and professional police services to all members and visitors of campus. 参观365英国上市官网 年度安全 & 消防安全报告 了解更多. 


(248) 370-2700

星期一至星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.